The righteousness of the Lord is declared to us through His word. The things that the Lord has done oh how great are the works of the Lord. The accomplishments of the Lord are great. Blessed be God’s handiwork and may the grace of the Lord be with us all. And may the Lord offer comfort to His people in times of distress. And may the Lord bless us for our good works and have compassion on us for our sin. And I do testify these things to be said through the Word of God and not through the word of man. I do not claim any special righteousness but I do claim the Lord to be righteous. But I do ask that you will bless the Lord the God of Israel for His good deeds. Mighty is the Lord. He is gracious and compassionate. He has grace and compassion on His people and loves them even when they sin. His mercy is everlasting and His truth endures forever. Amen
Great is God