Matthew 5:13 teaches that believers are to be the “salt of the earth”. But, what does that really mean? The salt of the earth is used as a metaphor for our relationship with God. Just, as salt is a precious resource we are valuable in the eyes of God. Each, one of us is the creation of a God that knows us and loves us and created us for His own purpose (Jer. 29:11). When God asks us to remain salty (Matthew 5:13), He is saying that we ought to be a light (Matthew 5:16), to the world. When, we remain salty we are abounding in God works that glorify God. Jesus also teaches us to “be perfect as your father which is in heaven is perfect”. What an incredibly high standard right? Yes, it is however, the Bible teaches that we are a new creation in Christ. In, the eyes of God through the blood of Christ a believer is seen as “perfect” in Jesus. That does not mean that we are without sin. What it does mean is that perfection is a life long process “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)”. If, you have just read this and have not put your faith in Christ my hope is you will. Without Christ we are lost and in a state of separation from God. Christ came to bridge the gap between us and God. Let, me say if you act like the salt of the earth yet don’t believe on Jesus then you are lost. There is no good work that can save us apart from the finished work of Christ on the cross and the grace that comes through it. May, God bless you and keep you in His love. Amen.
Salt of the Earth